Welcome to Desolation

Here in this city,
Surrounded by six million twittering birds.
Or perhaps they are all ants?
I’m sure some of them are aunts?
It doesn’t matter.

They are as foreign to us,
As aliens from planet Zeta Mou.
We are all that is. In this city,
In this apartment, in the world.
We stand shining, monogamous and monomaniacal.

Fighting or not fighting. Loving or not loving.
Striving to create or procreate, we are all there is.
With the occasional Chinese take-out,
To sustain us. Such joy,
The exquisite company of a visiting egg roll.

Writers should not marry,
For that reason!
Decline into interior landscapes and monologues,
The two linked and locked together,
To the exclusion of all else.

Perhaps we should go out to feed the birds,
And scatter crumbs of egg rolls for the ants.
A cannibalistic transformation,
Feeding our visiting joys to others?
To escape our isolation?


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