

“Written with remarkable candor, New Eyes is an account of Lamar Massingill’s journey from the fetid world of southern fundamentalism into an enlightened world of inquiry, honesty, and self-understanding. I commend this book to people who refuse to sacrifice their souls on the altar of other people’s expectations and desires and beliefs. In a word, and excellent read!”

——- Clayton Sullivan, Professor of Philosophy and Religion at the University of Southern Mississippi, and author of Jesus and the Sweet Pilgrim Baptist Church.

“Lamar Massingill is unsparing, both in terms of his own honesty and all the truth he has learned from many others. Under the rubric of Beginning an Identity, Shaping an Identity, Claiming an Identity, and Living an Identity, he has retraced the adventure that all great spiritual sages of every culture have undertaken. He inspires us to a similar quest. He illumines the way without lessening the inherent mystery of the adventure. I cannot envision not being enriched by what you find here.”

—— From the foreword by John R. Claypool, author of the The Preaching Event, his Lyman Beecher lectures at Yale University, and the bestseller, Tracks of a Fellow Struggler.

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